Starting a Business

CDCG believes strongly in America's small business and the entrepreneur.  It's the engine of the American economy.  Starting a business can be a very confusing activity and there isn't a single approach on how to set one up.  You will have to determine how to setup your company.  There are many approaches in setting up a company.  You can hire someone to do it all, you can set it up yourself, or a combination of the two.  Today the cyber domain has created the ability for you to establish your business from the comfort of your computer.  This saves tremendous time.  However, it may not save you tremendous money if you go about it wrong.

CDCG's goal is to empower you with cutting-edge knowledge, tools, and services of the cyber domain.  To this end, CDCG is recommending the following cyber capabilities to help you establish your business.

Please note that CDCG will not make any recommendations on what type of business to establish or whether you should do it on your own or have someone help you.  We will leave these types of recommendations to other professionals.  Visit this page often to get the latest information.

Creating Your Business Entity

If you decide to set up your business entity on your own, CDCG recommends BizFillings.   The content on their website can also help you determine what type of entity to establish.


Creating a Professional Cyber Image

After you have established your business, you need to consider getting yourself set up on the Internet with a professional image.  There are a lot of service providers that will provide you email, web hosting, blogging, etc. for free (actually nothing is for free; you have to accept their advertising) and many business owners take advantage of that.  However, it doesn't create a very professional image for your company to use all these different services.  One of the first steps in establishing a professional image is to get your own domain name.

Take a moment and reflect on the times you received an email address or given a web address from someone in a business and the information given was from the different free services with the services domain name.  What was the initial impression?  What was the impression when you received the same information that was based on the company's own domain name?  Was it the first impression the same?

Setting up a domain name is easy.  CDCG offers DIY domain name services or we can help you set one up.

Next would be setting up your own email addresses and a website for your business.  CDCG also offers webhosting services.  Please contact us and we can set one up for you.  Once you have a website space you will need to set it up and add content.  Once again you can do it on your own or CDCG can help.


Internet Marketing

Driving traffic to your site

Once you have your website set up you want to have online customers visit.  CDCG can assist with search engine optimization (SEO) and finding online customers via social networking.  Contact us for more information.



Setting up payroll is critical to ensure your employees get paid and you don't make any accounting mistakes.  CDCG offers a payroll service.





VOSB Certification

Ponder This...

Are You Using Social Software?  Whether for you or your organization / business, social software is pioneering new and faster ways to collaborate, share information, and get assistance.  You need to be part of it.

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